Truth Be Told Tuesday: Year End Post

Truth Be Told Tuesday

I have to come clean.

I am so glad that 2014 is coming to a close.

I’m really looking forward to a new time…

The start of a new year is permission for people like me to move past the feelings of failure, disappointment, and sadness. To maybe – somehow – try to cultivate a different frame of mind to get to the answers and fulfillment that we really have been seeking. So I am so happy to say PEACE OUT to 2014.

I hope you all enjoyed my posts this year…

I have to be completely honest, most of the posts that were written this year were written from the perspective of someone with a broken-heart, crushed dreams, and resentment. They were written from the perspective of someone trying to hold the pieces of her broken-heart together while she squeezed out tidbits of her passion.

While the demons of fear, anger, and disappointment sat on her shoulder begging her to hang it up, she told them, “no, if I don’t have anything else, I have myself and my writing and you will not take away my voice.”

I have so much more to learn…

The truth is… I feel like I don’t know a damn thing.

As a writer, I feel like there is so much more to learn. As a mother, I feel like every time I get something right – my son changes. As a person, I feel like I am drowning in this pool that we all call life. I have alot of walls to break through, guards to let down, and paths to navigate through. I have learned a hell of alot, but learning isn’t the answer.

The real transformation comes when you can embrace new concepts, ways of being, beliefs, and new ideas, and I have not been able to do that too much in 2014. I have received insight that my childhood insecurities has beat up before it even got a chance to get through the doors. I have received messages that the ego crooks have stolen before I even got a chance to sift through and find the treasures within. I have launched more ideas and dreams than probably anyone you know, but the “straight and narrow” in me noticed that they didn’t line up with my upbringing – so out the door they went.

But 2014 was not all bad…

I got one of the greatest gifts of all in 2014. A gift that I didn’t think that I could have because it hadn’t shown up in my life for years. I gave birth to my first born – Noah. He has been my greatest gift and greatest accomplishment and his very presence helps me realize that dreams do come true – even if they do take some time.

As far as my writing goes…

I am in the process of writing my new book {Soul Guidance Finding Your Way Home}. There are moments in my life where all is well, and a stream of well-being just flows from me. It’s a place where there are no worries and no fears. Sometimes I think to myself – where the hell did that passage come from – because I didn’t feel anything close to that yesterday? But then I remember – we all have that place inside that no one can take from us.

My wishes for the new year…

I am looking to take my blog in a different direction. Although I have written some posts that have some good information and good stories, I would like to dive a little bit more into what people need. I feel like my calling is to be a soul writer, but I am going to focus more on content that can help others move past their difficulties, break free from restrictions, and release their pain. I keep getting the message that I am a healer and I want nothing more than to express my gifts in the most genuine, uplifting, and whole way possible. I don’t feel that I quite captured that this year.

My wish for the new year is that I come back to this platform – brand new. From a new perspective. Not a hurt, damaged, heart-broken individual trying to express herself, but from a new beingness. From the beingness of a healed, whole, gifted individual that has something to share with the world. I will not be back on this platform, until I find my way and am able to reveal my gifts to you in a way that can help heal, advance, and move us all in a positive direction.

For all the writers out there…

Don’t give up. Follow your dreams. I know sometimes it’s hard and things seem slim, but we will all find a way. For those who are making it big time and starting to really find the level of expression that they have always desired “kudos to you” and “keep it up”. I wish you all a very safe, happy, healthy new year. I will be back, but not before I can deliver my “whole self” to this platform. I don’t know how long that will take. Just keep me in your prayers and well-wishes.

I appreciate you all!

Thank you for reading!

Happy New Year!

finished-heart Nay

Truth Be Told Tuesday

Truth Be Told Tuesday

I have to come clean.

I can’t stand a critical person.

I have to be honest with you, I from time to time am a critical person – especially when it comes to certain details and getting things right. However, I am not talking about people that just comment on what they do or do not prefer.

I am certainly not talking about the kind of person that just speaks their mind about a matter that they are passionate about, or those who offer their opinions when asked. That is not the kind of critical person I am talking about.

I am also not talking about those who have something to say, and present it in a way that other people can understand. Sometimes critiques can help us move forward, learn from our mistakes, and better ourselves.

What I cannot handle however, is those who are miserable, that have nothing but negative things to say, and that go around offering their unsolicited nastiness to the world. I CAN’T HANDLE IT.

I happened to be on one of the forums on Amazon, and someone who wrote a review for one of my books had accidentally posted in the wrong forum about my book. She wanted to see if any other members had purchased the book, and wanted to talk about it. She enjoyed the book, and posted her opinions in that forum. Well, some inconsiderate individual attacked her presence there, my character, and my book.

He called my book an obscure – overpriced – indie title, and he made several subliminal comments to hint that I somehow paid the girl to go on there and hype my book up.

I CAN’T HANDLE that kind of negative, ignorant behavior.

First off, I am not the kind of person that would want someone’s “paid response” as a book review. That is ridiculous. I would much rather have the person have a genuine interest in the story that I wrote and actually go on to explain to others how much they loved my book.

My biggest pet peeve with the entire conversation was that the guy DIDN’T EVEN READ MY BOOK. He at most, skimmed over the synopsis, checked out the price, the description didn’t fit what kind of novels he was into, and then he went off on the poor lady – for no reason whatsoever. How can you have an opinion about something – that you never even read?

Let me tell you something, I am a sensitive person, and I know that you have to have pretty tough skin to be in any kind of artistry. There will be people who disagree with you for no reason whatsoever. There will be people that try to drag your name through the mud, and bring you down. I understand that people just want something to comment on, and people are well within their rights to say what they feel. I get it.

But to attack a self-published Indie author, as if they are the scum of the publishing world is unacceptable. He didn’t form his critique based on visiting my website, reading my book, or even knowing me personally. He just saw an opportunity to release his frustration (probably with life in general) out on a woman who was just in the wrong place at a very wrong time. I felt so bad for that lady. I almost lost it, but I calmed down, and I didn’t even respond. The reason why is because it really wasn’t worth my time to try and explain to that man all the hard work that I have put into developing my writing, the countless hours I spent researching, the countless hours I spent editing, and all the other work that I put into writing that book – and all of my books.

Everyone starts somewhere. I don’t care who you are. You had help along the way, and also there was a time when even the biggest names in publishing didn’t have the resources that they needed to support their overall craft. Everyone starts somewhere. 

My point with writing all of this is to say, “be mindful of what you say about or to other people”. Before you write that critical post or judge someone, just remember that everyone does not have the same resources as you do, everyone does not have the same level of education as you do, everyone does not have the same support as you do, but everyone does have a right to express their artistry. Everyone is at different levels in the game.

People are certainly within their rights to comment on the work that we artists make public – I understand. That is why I’ve had to learn to kind of take all criticism lightly.

Just think twice before posting something critical about another person’s art. Maybe that person is really trying their hardest with the resources they have. Their artistry is their perception of the world and their experiences – sometimes we just don’t understand where others are coming from.

So ask yourself these questions before you post something critical: Is the comment that you are going to post helpful to the development of the person? Is the comment you are going to post relevant to the person’s overall achievements? Do you really know who the person is? Do you know how much time, work, and dedication they put into everything they do? Could it be possible that you just may not resonate with their work, and it may not be grounds to criticism them?

That is all I am saying – just think before you speak. Words do have power. Be careful how you use them. The guy went on to say several other things and would not let up on the lady. That is why it infuriated me so much. Even after she apologized several times for posting in the wrong forum, the guy kept on about her and my book.

The truth is… his comments hurt me.

It felt like all of the hard work that I had put into writing that novel went right out the door with just a few words by a very disgruntled man. I know that his comments can’t really do anything to me, but just to hear someone say those things and not even know you or your work is really disheartening.

How about you… has anyone ever criticized your work without adequate evidence to support their claims?

Do you have anything that you would like to confess for Truth Be Told Tuesday? If so, go to the top of the post and click “leave a comment” to share your story. If you prefer to post your response on your own blog, just add the words “Truth Be Told Tuesday” somewhere in your post and link back to this article.

I look forward to hearing your response.

finished-heart Nay

Music For Your Muse

Music For Your Muse

Do You Have A Song For Your Muse?

I sure do.

Music is one of the tools that I use when moving into my creative state. 

It’s alot easier to write a scene when you are right there feeling the same feelings that pertain to that scene.

Music also allows me to visualize the scenes more vividly. When I was writing my book Hooked On The Jones, the song “Spoiled” by Joss Stone put me right in the mood I needed to be in to write certain chapters.

When I was writing Journey Through Sattara, The song “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons provided the heart-pounding beat that I needed to conjure the feelings of triumph and power.

The Song That I Chose For My Overall Muse Is “Say You Love Me” by Jessie Ware

This song explains the relationship between my Muse and I perfectly. The ups and downs, the walking away and then coming back, the frustration, the feeling of great joy to have found what I love to do, and also the feeling of great sadness when I can’t express how I really want to. This song gets me every time. It’s almost as if my craft is speaking to me and telling me to dedicate myself to it fully. Like it’s telling me to breathe it, live it, and be it.

So what’s your favorite music for your muse? I would love to hear what song explains the relationship between you and your muse.

Thank you for reading!

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finished-heart Nay

The Things Writers Do : Write Everywhere


A Quick Story

My significant other comes home, places a small black notebook in our mail basket, and leaves it there for several days.

I (the writer) see the notebook and notice that there is about 60% of the notebook not used.

What did I do?

I took it over. Yes, I grabbed the notebook and started jotting down my ideas, notes for my future posts, and some passages for my new book.

My significant other comes home yesterday and sees that I have used the notebook. He mentions something along the lines of me not having to use up all the paper in all of the notebooks.

I replied, “I am a writer. What do you expect?”


Am I wrong? Lol. Come on – you know you use every piece of paper you can find in your house to get your ideas out. Even the toilet paper – don’t lie.

Thank you for reading!

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finished-heart Nay

What Is The Purpose Of Writing?

The Purpose Of Writing

What is the purpose of writing?

I was up at 3 am this morning – partially because my 4 month old son needed his feeding, and partially because I couldn’t sleep. As I laid awake in my bed, all of these questions came to mind.

Why do we write? What is it all for? Why do people care about words? What does writing really mean to the world – if anything at all?

I then thought to myself, what causes people to move the ramblings of their imagination from their head, to paper, and then out into the world? We must somewhere inside feel that our words are going to make a difference, stir up controversy, or draw attention.

Out of the billions of thoughts that we have thought, only a small few have made it to the pages of our novels, our memoirs, posts, articles, and our letters. But why have any of those words at all, made it from the recesses of our mind out into the world?

I figured it’s like this – writing is the form that helps us add order to the chaotic character that we call “the human mind”. It’s the way in which we make sense of our thoughts and the way that we put our feelings into a form we can understand. We can’t fully understand the depths of our soul and pain until we examine ourselves. For some, that is done by crafting a story that shows all we are – projected onto someone else.

It’s a healing journey that allows you to see yourself in the form of another character. The stories that we write allow us to see all of our parts – and to make sense of them. Sometimes with judgment, and sometimes without.

Writing helps us highlight the monsters in our mind that need to be exorcised.

Writing is having something to say – and actually saying it.

Writing is the form we use to help us express the feelings behind our greatest moments of joy. Why? Because you want others who read your work to feel the same joy you have felt, or to at least remember a time when they felt the same way.

Writing is saying, this is my understanding of the world and the things around me. A way of saying, this is simply my perception of things. 

Writing is having the courage to lay your heart on the line, and to face thousands of rejections because people don’t feel, act, and think like you do.

Writing helps show all of who you are – the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s where you can confess your fears, bury the hatchet, tell your story, and release your pain.

Writing is where you can silence your inner critic – if only for a few moments, by writing something beautiful from the space of peace you have within.

Writing can heal the sick, comfort the lonely, and bring hope to the hopeless.

Writing is chicken soup for the soul

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finished-heart Nay

Truth Be Told Tuesday

Truth Be Told Tuesday

I have to come clean.

I’m afraid to be naked.

And by naked I mean, totally myself without a mask.

Can you imagine nothing to cling to?

No fancy job status, no bling, no degree, and no one high-fiving me for a promotion like people receive at work.

No make-up to hide behind, no false lashes, no big bank to show how financially secure I am.

I’m afraid to say that I am open to all philosophies, and that I am also open to see where life takes me. Have you seen how they treat people who don’t believe in the “guy sitting in the sky” judging everyone’s actions? 

Let me be clear – I do believe in God. I just don’t believe that it’s a man sitting in the sky judging every thing that I do.

They call people like me “woo-woo” and “new age”. They seem to think the worse about people who welcome other philosophies when in reality, I’m just embracing other ways to understand the world that I live in.

I’m afraid to say that I’m a homebody. Have you seen the way that they treat people that aren’t “turning up” and going to the club every other day?

I’m afraid to say that I cry almost everyday – because people seem to equate tears with weakness.

I’m afraid to say that I do not have it all figured out. Because somehow, not having it all figured out means that you are irresponsible, lazy, and unmotivated.

I’m afraid to say that I don’t really like people. Let me be clear – I don’t like the baggage that people bring along with them. You know, their judgements, nasty looks, and unedited opinions. Their pointing and snickering when you make a mistake or when your life is not perfect. Those are the things that I don’t like about people. I would rather spend a day at home with my pet than with a bunch of phony people – any day.

I’m afraid to say that I feel worthless without my job. Have you seen the way that they treat people who are unemployed? As if I am sitting at home, eating snacks, watching soap operas all day, and milking the welfare system. I must say… I am not any of that.

It’s funny how some people (myself included) can’t see the value in just raising a child. Raising a child is work enough. Some people don’t realize that tending to the house, making sure there’s hot food on the table, and making sure everyone has clean clothes is a job of nurturing that no one ever gets paid for. But it is a job that is certainly relevant to the well-being of a family unit.

I’m afraid to say that I don’t have a college degree. Have you seen the way employers look at people who haven’t spent a significant amount of time in college? Never mind that you’re a natural at the job and a quick learner. Never mind that your skills of dedication and respect can never be taught. Nope, none of that matters.

I’m afraid to say that I’m compassionate and that I cry when I see anyone hurting. Because to admit such a thing, would mean that I’m too sensitive and that I need to toughen up. 

I am afraid to be naked. Which really means, I am afraid to be fully myself – that raw, natural, caring, barefoot kind girl that doesn’t give a damn about fancy clothes or things that don’t speak to my heart.

I’m afraid to say that I don’t have any of the things that make me useful, worthy, or relevant in society’s eyes.

I’m afraid to disclose who I really am, but even though I’m afraid… I just told you anyway. It is Truth Be Told Tuesday isn’t it?

Thanks for reading!

Do you have anything that you would like to confess for Truth Be Told Tuesday? If so, go to the top of the post and click “leave a comment” to share your story. If you prefer to post your response on your own blog, just add the words “Truth Be Told Tuesday” somewhere in your post and link back to this article.

I look forward to hearing your response.

finished-heart Nay

Truth Be Told Tuesday

Truth Be Told Tuesday

I have to come clean.

I don’t know what the hell to write about for Truth Be Told Tuesday.

As a matter of fact, I thought about renaming the whole “Tuesday” subject altogether. If I did that however, I would seem scattered, unorganized, and inconsistent.

I mean aren’t writers supposed to have their shit together? Aren’t they supposed to know exactly what to write and when to write it? Isn’t there something specific to write about for Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays?

If I can speak honestly (that is what Truth Be told Tuesday is all about), I haven’t been that inspired to post on WordPress. I don’t like to force writing, but I don’t want to leave my platform empty either.

So what to do?

I figured I would just sit down, and let whatever wanted to come out – come out.

I don’t feel like a writer today… The very reason that people go to writing blogs is to keep up with what other “writers” or “authors” are doing. I think of people coming to my blog and asking, “where’s the content, where are the stories, where’s the setting, where are the characters, where’s the adventure?”

To which I reply, “you aren’t getting any of that from me today. I am not a storyteller, an author, or a writer today. Not the “official” kind anyway.”

I am curled up with my hot chocolate and putting all of the writing rules to the side.

What I really desire more than anything is a real connection, with real people. Let’s be real – most of the people don’t really read what’s on the blogs anyway. They skim through the content to see if anything looks interesting or fits their current needs, and if the first few words don’t grab their attention they’re off to something else.

Between facebook, twitter, homework, housework, work-work, the kids, and all the other crap that people have to do, there seems to be no time for genuine connections. God forbid you ask someone to comment on your post or to share their stories – they are so wrapped up in other things while browsing through your post that they don’t even hear your pleas for authentic connection.

I must admit – I have been guilty of that from time to time. We call it multi-tasking, but what it really is – is robbing us of the present moment. So tonight, I am not in the mood for thinking, writing things down in a perfect format, to pour my heart into another post, that no one is even going to read (entirely). So I will just say a few words here and there, in the fashion that my current mood decides to script them.

I’m frustrated with putting myself out there, being vulnerable, and opening up – without a single response from people who I know are out there feeling the same way I am.

I want to know what people desire, I want to having meaningful conversations, I want hearts that I connect with. I guess what I am trying to ask is, what makes you feel alive? Is it really writing or is it something else? Am I the only one that feels – if I don’t feel genuinely inspired – I can’t write? Does anyone else feel that way?

I am not the kind of person that wants to just throw anything out into the universe. Even as I type this, I am still trying to be considerate with the words that I choose and how I say them. Even though my mood is… well we won’t go there.  Part of the reason I am writing this post is to vent. To let the world know that I feel so uninspired. Especially when it comes to posting on here. I am tired of giving my time and attention to things that fall on deaf ears.

I am in the process of writing my new book, and the inspiration for that comes and goes. It’s actually quite nice and not that much of a headache at all, but this wordpress thing… I don’t know what to make of it.

I guess it’s okay to say exactly what I feel – as long as I am telling the truth in the process. It is Truth Be Told Tuesday.

Thank you for reading!

Do you have anything that you would like to confess for Truth Be Told Tuesday? If so, go to the top of the post and click “leave a comment” to share your story. If you prefer to post your response on your own blog, just add the words “Truth Be Told Tuesday” somewhere in your post and link back to this article.

I look forward to hearing your response.

finished-heart Nay

Truth Be Told Tuesday

Truth Be Told Tuesday

I have to come clean.

I love a good cry.

Crying helps me release so many pent up feelings.

Sometimes when I cry, I don’t even know the root cause of the tears.

I know where the tears began. I can pinpoint the subject that they are about, but I can’t figure out where the thoughts rise from.

Sometimes the thoughts are so quick and so irrational that I can’t make sense of them. Sometimes the thoughts arise because I feel lonely, sad, or heartbroken, but I can never quite pinpoint where the feelings of sadness or loneliness originated from.

When you are feeling hopeless or helpless emotionally, it’s good to let it out (for me at least).

My tears say the things that I am afraid to say sometimes – I’m scared, I feel alone, I feel unworthy, or I feel unloved.

When we are taught to be strong and toughen up, we hold so much inside. But tears aren’t quiet. Tears let the world know that we don’t have to be tough. Tears let the world know that we are human and that we do feel. Tears let the world know that we give a shit about something. Tears let the world know that there is passion inside that hasn’t found the right outlet.

So I love to have a good cry. As a matter of fact I had one today. Actually I had a couple of good cries today.

I will leave you with a good quote about tears.

Crying doesn’t indicate that you’re weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you’re alive. {Author Unknown}

Thank you for reading!

Do you have anything that you would like to confess for Truth Be Told Tuesday? If so, go to the top of the post and click “leave a comment” to share your story. If you prefer to post your response on your own blog, just add the words “Truth Be Told Tuesday” somewhere in your post and link back to this article.

I look forward to hearing your response.

finished-heart Nay

Truth Be Told Tuesday

Truth Be Told Tuesday

I have to come clean.

I am not a writer.

Let me be clearer. I am not a writer in the traditional sense. It all depends on what your definition of a writer is. I have read countless blogs and articles that list the criteria for allowing yourself to be called a “writer”.

You have to #1 be making a living at writing according to some.

You have to #2 love to read, and I mean alot.

You have to #3 know all the rules of writing. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and the difference between lay and lie – shoot me now.

You have to #4 be in some way associated with a big name publisher or if “self-published” have had to hit the $1,000,000 mark. Okay maybe not a million dollars but somewhere in the 100’s of thousands. 

You have to had #5 attended some kind of college and earned a fancy degree.

You have to #6 know all the great poets and authors of the past and somewhere in your life you should have studied their works, and the list goes on and on.

If the things above are the criteria for being called a writer, then I have to be honest with you – I AIN’T IT. Slang intended.

Let me elaborate.

Point # 1 – I am not making anywheres near a million dollars for any of the 7 self-published books that I have written. As I am matter of fact – I haven’t even made $70 for the 7 self-published books that I have written. One of my books – Mother Father God – has over 7400 reads right now. Do you know what that would translate into if those people actually decided to BUY my book? But nope, they didn’t. They just chose to read it online for free, which is all good, but I gotta eat too.

Point # 2 – When I think about having to go back and learn everything there is to know about sentence structure and grammar, I literally become sick to my stomach. I cringe at the thought of having to go back to the elementary level of understanding how to use lay and lie in a sentence. Because everyone knows that to be an author, you can’t be asked the difference between some of the most used words in writing and not know how the hell to explain their usage.

My mind is bombarded with so much information everyday that I can’t even remember my middle name sometimes.

Point # 3 – It’s so difficult for me to be able to allow myself to be called a writer. I see other authors and they have piles of books, that they love to read, and that they review effortlessly. While I, have piles of books, that are sitting on my bookshelf, that are collecting dust as we speak. Some authors can tell you a quote from almost every famous author. While I, can barely remember the names of the author’s books that I just read.

So why the hell, if I don’t have any of those attributes, do I keep writing anyway? I mean why am I drawn to it? Why even keep creating stories if I don’t have what it takes to be called a writer?

I guess I read differently than some others do. I guess sometimes it doesn’t take a book to know how to read and write in a way that people can understand. I read emotions and energy. I can feel the spirit of those who’ve passed away still wanting to create, and I love when I am in my flow enough to receive those insights of information.

But still, the rules say you have to be known, you have to make money at it, you have to love to read – and alot. But I don’t like to read alot. Don’t get me wrong; I do what I have to do, but it’s a chore to me. Especially when I know that there is inspiration circling around me right here right now. There is energy around right now just waiting to be translated into words.

When I get a new book, I open the book and start flipping through the pages. I look at the alignment of the writing, the font that the company chose to print the book in, the margins, the front cover and back cover. I honestly get more excited about how perfect the book feels than what the author actually wrote about. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s the truth.

I love to write. I really do. I love the idea that I can put feelings into words. I love the idea that a few words written in the right way can heal someone’s life. When I think of my dream job it doesn’t include a mob of people, standing outside in zero degree weather, waiting to sign my book. It doesn’t include being the boss of several people and managing their time, tasks, and schedules. It doesn’t even include being involved with a ton of people at all.

When I think of my dream job, I think of being tucked away cozily in warm room, next to a fireplace, with a computer on my lap, and a hot beverage on the table in front me. In that room there may be four other people – an editor, a real friend to tell me when my writing isn’t making sense or sounds like bullshit, my son, and my significant other. That’s it. That is all I really need.

I would have magazines with pictures all around, a book or two that really touches my heart, a sketch pad to doodle, some candy, and a coke.

I would skim through the pictures, read some chapters from the two books, dig deep online for meaningful articles, maybe go for a walk to get some fresh air, go back inside and dig some more online, watch a little tv, kiss and play with my son, yell at my significant other, and then when I am all done collecting that data from those many different (and relevant) sources, I would sit down and start to type.

As a matter of fact, I was visiting Marie Forleo’s website (how to create a business and life you love) the other day and I came across a testimonial video from the artist Lou Niestadt. It was so inspiring to see an author/illustrator doing what she loved, in her zone, and working from home.

I don’t see myself in large crowds or fighting through crazed fans to get to my seat. I see myself in my home, comfortable with who I am, inspired by the life I live, and guided by the divine to pour my heart out. After which, I would hand my draft over, it would be modified and corrected by those who know the “outside world” a little better than I, and then the finished copy sent to be turned into a book. Which I can sell online. That is what my dream job would be.

I am not a traditional writer. I am not interested in alot of wild fame. Although I do love a good heartfelt thank you from time to time and I do want what I write to touch people’s hearts. I am not interested in digging through history to find the right words to say when I know that they can be inspired right now from where I am. I am not interested in earning some fancy degree just for the sake of saying that I have one.

I desire real authentic relationships, passion that comes from the heart and soul, and a “flow like water” type of expression. I can feel people deeply. I can feel the calling from the energy around, and that type of knowing is not always appreciated. Sometimes it’s just not good enough. That type of knowing can’t get you a degree, or awards, or even recognition.

But the thing that keeps me going even though I don’t have the knowledge like some others, is the idea that I may find another way to live my passion. The idea that I may not have to go back and learn everything all over again.

The idea that maybe there is a way for me to really do what I love. I am not a shy person, but I am personal. I have always been that way, and will always probably be. The way that I share with the world is through my words. When I can’t say something I write it. It’s how I free myself, my thoughts, the worlds I have inside of me, my fears, and my disappointments.

I am on a mission to create the perfect place for me and my unique personality. I know it exists. I am not the only one that loves the home life. I am not the only one that values security and stability without wanting to sit in a cubicle in someone else’s dream. I know that I cannot be the only one that feels this way. So I will put my wish out to the universe.

I am not a traditional writer universe – nope that’s not me. But I am kind and I am considerate. I pay attention to what I write and how I present it to the world. I am extremely organized and I love the idea of creation. I love the idea of genuine relationships. I love juicy discussions and deep revelations. I love to dig and probe into the soul of person to find out what they really feel. I can usually feel the heart of a person. Not just what they say or what they present to the world. I can feel when something just clicks or I am deeply connected to someone. I am a solitary person and I love to work alone, but will work with others that I can call “family”.

I am loyal, dedicated, and will give every ounce of me if I feel that the job is a right fit for me.

So if anyone is looking for someone like me or connects to my words or work, let’s talk. Who knows – we may collaborate on a project, I may work for you one day, or maybe we just become good friends, and we all know those are hard to come by.

Thank you for reading!

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finished-heart Nay