Love In Ten Sentences (A Challenge)



I was challenged by Lisa from the Real Mom Of Long Island blog for the “Love In Ten Sentences” challenge. Thank you Lisa for thinking of me! I think I am up for it.

I will go ahead and write my version of my love poem in ten sentences, and then I will challenge a few of you to do the same.

The challenge is to write a poem about love and title it “Love in Ten Sentences.” It must have 10 lines, each 4 words long. Every line must contain the word “love.” At the end of the poem, you must include a favorite quote about love. Then challenge fifteen other bloggers.


Love – a baby’s smile

Love – a fresh start

Love – a gentle caress

Love – a warm heart

Love – the sun’s rays

Love – a heartfelt “goodnight”

Love – a peaceful lake

Love – an encouraging “goodbye”

Allow love to rain

Allow love its reign




Charlotte Cuevas

Fiola Faelan

Gift From The Heart – Share and Care

Kerry Jane

Corvus (Corvi) Black

Celia Hales

Many of many thoughts

Sheila Sea



Nitasha Buldeo

Shannon A Thompson

A Well Read Woman

Chris Martin

If there is anyone else that would like to try it, I welcome you to go for it!

Thanks for reading!

heart Nay

Photo Source Credit 1

Photo Source Credit 2

The Energy Of A Man

The Energy Of A Man

There is something about the male energy that makes a woman feel complete.

When a strong man is around, it makes a woman feel like it’s okay to be herself.

She feels safe and protected, adored and loved, confident and wanted.

It’s something about the way that a good man brings the best out of his children, puts a smile on his woman’s face, and keeps her best interest at heart.

He is fearless and bold, tender at times, and respectful.

That’s what a good man is.

When he’s around, you can lay your head to the pillow at night, and know that everything will be sound in the morning.

His stare doesn’t go unnoticed, his magnetism is impossible to ignore, his confidence is alluring, and his smile warms your soul.

It’s the way that he walks, the way that he talks, and the way he stands his ground.

It’s the way that he demands respect, looks after his children, and makes sure that all is well.

He provides an energy that makes it okay to laugh at yourself, that calms a woman’s nerves, and that makes you feel special even when you find something to hate about yourself.

He protects your heart, looks after your soul, and makes it okay – to lose control.

Thanks for reading!

heart Nay

Photo Source Credit

Spontaneous Expression: The Route Home


No matter how lost you are – there’s always a route home. The journey may be dark sometimes. You may be scared and not know which direction you are traveling. You may have to stop and ask for help along the way. Doubt may creep in and yes despair may too.

The journey may seem like it takes forever, and forever’s too long to bear. They’ll be days you want to give up and crawl along side the road and die. But then they’ll be hope. You’ll notice a small sign. A guidepost or something that looks familiar, and even if it’s not the direct route – you’ll feel a moment of optimism.

You’ll smile because you know that you are close. You’ll slow down and sniff around. You’ll start to believe in your intuition again.

Then you’ll meet someone – because of your faith. Someone who knows most of the roads. Someone who has a great sense of direction. Someone who loves that you chose to wander out so far – even though you had not the slightest clue where you were going.

That someone will then say, “where’s home?” And as you describe it, their face will light up. Why? Because they know of the place you describe. They actually passed it on their way to their destination not too long ago.

Then you’ll get in their car and ride. You’ll be buckled in safely and along the way you will have heartfelt conversations, belly tightening laughs, and sing alongs. You won’t even realize the time that went by. It may be two days or even a week, but then one day when you’re fast asleep, your friend will nudge you. You’ll open your eyes to the inviting sun that’s beaming through the window.

Warmth will fill your heart when you look at the place that you wanted to be for so long. You can see the fireplace through picturesque window. Someone you love will open the door. Not because they know exactly who the car outside belongs to, but because they know in their soul that it’s you.

You’ll thank the willful traveler that brought you the rest of the way. You’ll embrace them and say, “you’re an angel” and know you can never repay them, but that’s okay because they were looking for someone to help anyway.

You’ll say your good-byes and step out the car and walk right towards a very warm “welcome home”.

finished-heart Nay

The Path


long and arduous

or stop and stare


filled with joy

or bouts of despair


look up it’s heaven

or the devil’s down there


savoring every moment

or engulfed by fear


tiptoeing as if the grass were asleep

and twirling around with the wind as it speaks


gloom & doom as depression creeps

or move along with my heart at peace


is this right

or is this wrong


am i weak

or am i strong


am I powerful

am i divine


or am I cursed

and running out of time


along the path, the path i go

where i’ll end up, no one knows


:::written by renee brooks:::

Dear Under-Appreciated Mom



{A Love Letter To All The Moms Who Feel Unappreciated}

I am coming to you from the hearts of your children and your husbands. From the hearts of those who don’t tell you how special you are. This letter is from the heart of them – to the heart of you. {Love Renee}


{From Your Child or Children}

Dear Under-Appreciated Mom,

I want to take this moment in time to say… 

You Are Appreciated

I know you get tired of cleaning and running and cooking all the time. I know that you worry all day long about our safety and security. I know even when you tuck us in the tightest, you still are thinking of ways to make life even more comfortable for us. 

I know that you long to keep us as babies forever. To see the joy in our eyes when you walk in the room. I am here to tell you mom, if you haven’t seen that joy – don’t take it personal. It’s not you. 

The world is difficult for us sometimes. You mom, are the only one that gives us hope sometimes. We are spoiled with your love. The truth is, we are looking for the world to comfort us like you do. To hold us like you do. To care for us like you do, and when the world doesn’t do that, we take it kind of hard.

I want to say…

I’m Sorry

{From Your Husband}

To my wife, who is stronger than anyone I know. I love you with all of my heart. You are a good mother even though I don’t say it all the time. You are not only a contributor to the household you are the rock on which our house was built. I see you look into our child’s eyes sometimes and I only wish you could look at me that way. I know, it’s selfish, but you don’t know how it feels to receive that kind of love from you. 

I ask you my wife, to be patient with me. Even when I don’t show my appreciation – I ask that you to remember this note. This note that was scripted from the heart of me and sent through a messenger. A messenger who wrote down the words I couldn’t say. A messenger who knew how I really felt regardless of what I tell you. When you feel under-appreciated, try to remember all the reasons you fell in love with me and our child/children. 

We don’t mean for you to feel under-appreciated. We sometimes don’t know how to give you the love, compliments, and praise that you are worth. You are big and we need you. So remember this letter if ever you shall forget. 


Your Family


Fatherless, Heartbroken, Repaired

Little Girl

A Short Story:

Olivia ran downstairs from her fortress that she built using a few books and two blankets stretched from bed to dresser. She hopped down the stairs and stood next to the front door. It was the week before Christmas and she had waited patiently all day for her father to arrive home.

Before then, she was upstairs inside of her fortress praying to God. You would think that her prays were offered so that she would get a new doll, or the pink bike that she wanted, or a dream come true – a new power wheeled sports car. But her prayers didn’t reflect any of those material things. She had prayed for something that every little girl should have.

She couldn’t wait to see if her prays had worked. As she stood by the big solid wooden door, her mother cautioned her to move back. Her father was large and he usually swung the door open with force, not paying any attention to who may have been standing in the path of it.

She waited eagerly, and when her father opened the door she jumped into his arms. He picked her up and swung her around. She was ecstatic. Her cheeks could hardly hold the joy that she felt inside. When he released her, he headed towards the kitchen. She ran in front of him enthusiastically showing him all of the things that she had received from school that day.

A picture of her class, two lollipops (one for him and one for her), and her reward for being on her best behavior.

“Mrs. Smith, gave me a gold star today daddy. I was so good in class, see,” she said reaching her small hand up to him to show him the gold star that was there.

“That’s nice sweetie,” he replied.

As his heavy footsteps made there way towards the kitchen, Olivia froze holding her breath. She was hoping that he was just going into the kitchen to give her mother a hug or a kiss perhaps, but he headed for the fridge.

Olivia stood there looking up to the ceiling which supposedly held the eyes of God. When he pulled out the bottle her hopes deflated. Her 7 year old mind could not fathom why her father would come home and see her beautiful smiling face and walk to the refrigerator to get a beer. Wasn’t she enough?

Friday night her dad was stumbling barely able to speak.

Saturday her dad was hung over, in a pissy mood, and didn’t want any company.

Sunday… sweet ole sunday… her daddy would dress his best and make his way to church. He sang so beautifully with his baritone voice. He even reached down from time to time to hold her hand. That gave Olivia hope. She knew that God was real, because on Sunday her dad was somewhat present.

Fast forward ten years and Olivia is in a relationship with a boy who is very disrespectful. He doesn’t beat her, no. He sees her on a regular basis, yes, and even tells her from time to time that he loves her. He even calls her pretty. She looks into his eyes holding on to his comments for dear life. She was never told that before. Not in the way that her boyfriend said it to her. He gives her what she wants to hear so that he can fulfill his bet with his friends.

“I bet you she’ll sleep with me. She has daddy issues, and she thinks I’m her knight and shining armor,” he says heckling with his friends.

Her dad hears about this boyfriend that she has and he is furious.

“How could you let someone disrespect you? Treat you like garbage? Can’t you see that boy means you no good? He’s using you Olivia. Don’t you know how to respect yourself Olivia?”

Olivia looks at her father with tears forming in her eyes. Her heart crushes inside of her chest. Her dad was not only supposed to protect her from men like that BEFORE they got to her most sacred place, he was also supposed to mend her heart, not call her stupid for making a mistake.

“Dad,” she says barely able to say his name. “Who taught me that I deserved better?”

Olivia walks out and sees her father every now and again from that point forward. She makes it into college because a counselor wouldn’t let her give up. While in college she meets a professor. A middle aged man that resembles her father in height and in build, but man is he so much nicer and more loving. From working with kids all his life he sees that there’s a change in Olivia. Her grades are falling, her optimism for life is waining, and the sparkle that was once in her eyes is no longer there.

He asks questions, he dives deep, he refuses to take her wish-washy answers at face value. One day she opens up to him revealing that her father passed away.

“You miss him don’t you?” the professor asked, starring into her saddened brown eyes.

“I hated him,” she replied. “Why would God give me a father that couldn’t show me that he loved me. He drank everyday. He wouldn’t even acknowledge me other than a hug or holding my hand from time to time. He never even cared about me.”

Olivia is heartbroken, she feels as if her tears are going to consume her. She has always had faith that God would bring her father back to life from his alcoholism. There wasn’t a moment that went by in her childhood that she didn’t believe that God could resurrect her father. But there she sat, empty. With a hole in her heart that couldn’t be filled. She looked to the professor for answers. Some kind of answers to her horrible truth. She felt unwanted, unloved, and empty with no possible way, from her point of view, to ever be fulfilled again.

The professor took her under his wing. He coached her, he stayed on her, he didn’t give up on her. He was there in her darkest of days. You see, Olivia didn’t know that before she met the professor he was looking for a daughter because he had lost one of his own children. A daughter that would have been the same age as Olivia. It pained his heart everyday, but he kept going. He kept encouraging other people. His life, his students, and his future meant everything to him.

So when Olivia came along with a saddened heart that seemingly couldn’t be repaired he heard God whisper, “I’ve answered your prayers.”

The professor could see the blessing from the beginning, but she couldn’t. But he never gave up on her.

Olivia graduated, she got married, she had children, she became a motivational speaker. All because of one man.

Her professor even walked her down the aisle. She didn’t realize until that very day that God had answered her prayers too. As she walked towards her husband, arm and arm with the professor, an overwhelming sensation came over her. Her father was there. Not in the form or the way that she had envisioned, but he was there. The professor had filled his place. God had answered the call. Not in the way that she expected, but in the way that she needed when her real father couldn’t give her the beauty that she was asking for.


I know, from personal experience, what it feels like to need a father figure. There comes a point in life when you have to realize that just maybe it’s not going to work out in the way that you held onto for so long. But God, always answers the call. In one form or another. Suddenly, somethings all become so clear.

Let go of your burdens, bitterness, and anger from the past. Let the love that is available for you find you.

I know it’s not an easy thing to do, but it is necessary to move on and fulfill the life that you are meant to live.

I will leave you with a quote.

When you finally let go of the past something better comes along.

Writing is the way I choose to let go. Find your outlet, feel your pain, and release it. You have more to gain.

finished-heart Renee