Welcoming The New In 2014

Living From The Heart Days 16-30

It is interesting to me that we categorize periods of our life by seconds, minutes, hours, days, and months. There really is no time per se… It’s all right now. I guess it’s easier for us to manage things when we think of things in a smaller picture rather than the larger scheme of things. It makes things less overwhelming in our mind.

I think that what we are looking for the most when we categorize our life in fractions or moments in time is the essence of a “new start”. That’s why we always say, “tomorrow I am going to do this” or “next year it’s going to be different.”

But what if we looked at every moment as an essence or a feeling that we want to embody. The time “2014” is just an indication of you being ready to welcome the new. But why wait until 12am on January 1st to welcome that “New Feeling” or “Fresh Start”; you can do that right now. It’s all right now. Just give yourself permission to be what you want to be right in this moment.

The End Of 2013

I don’t have a a lot of words to describe 2013. 2013 is just a collection of my past thoughts and actions. What I am more interested in is welcoming the new. So I have collected quotes that I have arranged in a gallery to welcome the new year which is also welcoming the “new me”.

I will end this post with a few things that I wish for you for 2014. As you allow yourself to open and be more of who you are without apologies, I am sure all of your deepest longings will come true. Even if you are one of those people out there that has lost faith or hope in something, just know that there is someone out there that is wishing the best for you, even if you can’t find the space in your heart to believe it so.

My Wishes For You

My heart wishes blessings for you, joy and love for you, new opportunities for you, mended relationships for you, stronger bonds for you, open doors for you, peace of mind for you, new beginnings for you, abundance for you, easiness and stability for you, moments that take your breath away, and things that enter your life that are so amazing that they leave you in awe.

I hope your year is filled with all the things that your heart desires. I pray for your mind to be renewed and for you to see life through a loving perspective. I hope this world shows you things you have never seen before and I hope you are able to unveil beautiful pieces of yourself that you never thought imaginable.

Remember sometimes there could be things going on around you, but when you realize what you are made of you will have the strength to sit in the middle of it all and reveal your power. You aren’t meant to struggle your way through this life. You are meant to graciously accept the things that come your way while keeping your eyes and heart on what you would like to experience the most. If the negative can come your way, how many more positive things can come your way with just a small adjustment in the way you look at things.

Keep your head up, know things will get better, and take it one step at a time. You’ll do just fine.

finished-heart Nay

Happy Happy Happy New Year All!

Awesome Book Review: Journey Through Sattara

Journey deep into the heart of the Sattara Jungle where the story of two rival tribes (the Ja’Ka Tribe and the Ya’Tu Tribe) is captured.
Journey deep into the heart of the Sattara Jungle where the story of two rival tribes (the Ja’Ka Tribe and the Ya’Tu Tribe) is captured.

Another Great Book Review for Journey Through Sattara!


4.5 out of 5 cupcakes is awesome!

Thank you Skeptical Reader for reviewing Journey Through Sattara and for giving your honest feedback.

To see the full book review by The Skeptical Reader please click the link below.

Review | Journey Through Sattara by Renee Brooks.

To see the full book review by Book Gossips please click the link below.

Review | Journey Through Sattara by Renee Brooks.


Order Your Copy Of Journey Through Sattara Today



Getting Naked & Vulnerable


Living From The Heart Days 12-15

Honestly for the past few days I just could not bring myself to get on the computer and type anything on WordPress. Writing from the heart (for me) is all about inspired writing. Over the past few days I just was not inspired to write anything. I guess a few things had to happen in order for me to get the inspiration to write – so here I am. The past few days have been interesting. I want to speak a little bit about presence today. I’ll start with a short story.

The other day I went to purchase my Christmas tree. When I got it home I literally hugged the tree and felt its presence. I know it sounds crazy to say that I connected with the tree, but I did. Its presence just felt like home to me. I am not talking about the homes where you grow up with nana and pop-pop or the homes where your mom and dad raise you; I am talking about that bare unforgiving presence that just demands your attention {now that’s what I call HOME}.

It’s an internal feeling of home. That feeling of being naked, vulnerable, open, and adored anyway. It is just a tree, but it brings such a spirit of comfort to my home that I cannot even adequately explain the feelings in words. It has a natural, peaceful, stable presence that just fills my home with love. I look at the tree now – all dressed up with the ornaments, lights, and shimmery garland  and I think to myself… it doesn’t even need all of that stuff for me to feel my connection to its presence.

The Same Is True About Us

We don’t even need all of that stuff. The makeup, the cars, the jobs, the clothes are just a mask hiding the real us. I realized that if I could just be truly comfortable with who I am – my true presence would shine through. I loose confidence in my real self because the false self is the one that gets the credit and recognition, while the real self remains hidden.

I am in no way shape or form saying that I am an impostor sitting here writing to you, but I am saying that I hold back sometimes. Sometimes out of fear of sounding stupid or awkward. I shape my words so that they will make sense to others. I try to dress the articles up with pictures and quotes that make sense and that are appealing. The truth is, people are just looking for honesty. All that other stuff is just the icing on the cake.

For some of us we feel too open and too vulnerable in our real presence. There is something wrong with our real presence we feel. Let’s be clear… there isn’t really anything wrong with being open and vulnerable it’s just that so many of us are paying attention to our false sense of beauty that we forget what our real beauty is.

Our real selves have no drama attached, no bias, no gossip, and juicy details to share. Our real selves have no makeup to hide behind, no calories to count, or things to want. Our real selves have the nerve to just be what they are. Not to fit in – not to get checks – not for more likes or approval, but our true selves have the goddamn audacity to stand in a room and say, “take me as I am. I am not catering, shifting, or molding myself to fit your ideal image. I was simply born to be.”

How bold and beautiful is that outlook?

Now, How Do I Get Closer To That Presence?

I’ve figured it all out. Not! I have one small step. Just one little itty bitty baby step that might lead you in the right direction of becoming more authentic, living naked, and telling people to shove it {joking}.

Simply do what you believe is right.

The other day I had someone really test my character and my beingness. I had a very hostile experience.  I will try to make this story as short as possible. About a month or so ago I created an art site on Tumblr featuring ebony art paintings. My intention was to draw attention to beautiful black art and have the people who followed or viewed the site take a detour to the art sites and see what appealed to them. Unfortunately, me posting from their URL’s didn’t work properly so it looked like I was taking art photos and just copying them to my page without giving the artists any credit. SO FAR FROM WHAT I WAS ACTUALLY TRYING TO DO…

Anyway, some people started a blog attacking my whole character and calling me a thief. They said I was stealing black art, putting it on my site to basically get views, and not giving credit to the appropriate art sites. To make a long story short, the theme I chose for Tumblr did not link back to the original sites so I could see where their assumptions came from. Instead of informing me of this they posted nasty messages on my Tumblr site and just basically were acting completely inconsiderate and hostile.

A Test Of My Real Character

I was mortified. Not only was that some kind of attention that I definitely did not want to attract, my reputation was also on the line. How would I look? What would people think? Would people take my image and connect it to the title “thief”. My defenses immediately went up. I thought about lashing out on them, but something stopped me. I thought to myself, “who am I and would that response be representing me in the best way?”

I stopped, took a deep breath, and posted a :::Keep Calm & Carry On::: picture to my site on Tumblr. I then wrote a message apologizing to all the followers who had to witness such ridiculousness. After that, I wrote to the hostile critics and directed them to the post that explained exactly what happened and what my intentions were so that they could get the real truth behind what was going on. I thought that would calm their assumptions, but apparently they didn’t believe my story and kept attacking my character. After that, I went to each picture and placed in the comments the credit source to where to find the art. I then gracefully bowed out of that argument. I knew from their constant continuation (even after I had explained myself) that they weren’t out to rectify things, they were just out to attack.

Let’s be clear… I am not going to argue just for argument’s sake. It doesn’t get anyone anywhere.

I simply corrected the situation by adding the credits as I originally intended to do and I let the rest of that drama rest. I simply did what I believed was the right thing to do.

Now the “small me” would have tried to hide their comments, delete what they said, or would have deleted the blog all together, but the “real me” said, “here’s a chance to show your true character.” The “small me” would have avoided the hostility at all costs, but the “wise me” said, “you have nothing to hide here. You know what your intentions were, just do your best to fix it up the best you can.”

It was a small step, but I was happy that I stood up for myself and didn’t let what they said about me bully me into taking down the Tumblr page.

I want to end this story with a quote…

You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to. {Author Unknown}

I Want To Share This With You

I want to share a wonderful video with you. A little while ago while visiting the NeuroNotes Blog I was introduced to a researcher named Brené Brown. Brené is famous for her TED Talks on Vulnerability and I would like to share one with you. The video will be at the end of this post.

In Closing

We have the chance in every moment to be more of ourselves, to be naked, to be true to what we believe in and are. This video is all about the journey to that authenticity. Brené speaks crazy talk about “reserving seats” for your critics and about embracing them. Boy did I ever have to do that these past couple of days. In addition to that, she talks about the right to be yourself even regardless of what they say.

I am learning how to do that step by step. As I learn – I share because I know that I am not the only one on this journey through discovering our true selves.

We are all trying to figure out how to be better people and how to find home (that internal feeling of being at peace with who you are and unapologetic for it) within ourselves. Do what you believe is right. No one can take that from you. It’s not a prop, a mask, or a costume, it’s who you are. Embrace it.

I will leave you with a quote.

The ache for home lives in all of us – the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned. {Maya Angelou}

Thanks for reading and here’s the video!

finished-heart Nay

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The Power Of Introverts


Living From The Heart Day 11

Today’s post from me will be short and sweet. I came across a very uplifting video about the power of introverts today. I just wanted to share this with you because too often us “introverts” go through life thinking that we have to fit into a certain mold. It is the truth. I have experienced it in previous work experiences, schools, and out in the world at large. I can completely relate to this video.

I remember being in a training class about introverts and extroverts in my previous job. The teacher asked, “what are introverts good for?” The guy answered, “nothing, they are pretty much a waste of space.” Wow, what an intelligent and broad opinion that gentleman gave {sarcasm}.

The number one thing that I pulled away from this video is that… It’s Okay To Be Yourself. Sometimes in society I feel our unique “introverted” skills aren’t being given a chance. We are expected to be loud, rowdy, talkative, apart of a team spirit, and take charge leaders when we want nothing more than to find strategies that work, give attention to detail, be compassionate to the deep rooted needs of others, and take care of the things behind the scenes that build strong foundations and loving relationships.

Susan Cain takes this subject and brings light to it in the most beautiful way. Take a listen and let me know what you think.

finished-heart Nay

Pieces Of My Writing Heart

Pieces Of My Writing Heart

Living From The Heart Day 10

Sometimes I don’t know what to do with this mangled heart of mine. There are pieces of me that were crushed by things that you would consider small. Pieces of me ripped away from their sense of security and belonging. I ask God sometimes, “what do you want with me? What can you do with these shattered pieces?”

In me resides broken dreams, unanswered prayers, and deep longings. Some of these things are hard to remember in detail, but I still feel their ghostly presence. I hear the faint whisper from them encouraging the most discouraging thoughts. There are also pieces of my heart that I cannot let go of. Those things are not easy to forget. They travel along with me everywhere that I go.

It is luggage that I carry along with me, and in return – refuses to get lost. They are remnants of that last good-bye that I never got to say, missed opportunities, failed relationships, and unhealthy exchanges. I can’t seem to shake some things loose. I see the things that I couldn’t fix as failures.

What To Do With These Pieces God?

I have many times tried to delete them – like I do to files on the computer that I no longer want.

But time after time again, life has proven that these files are un-deletable. Delete Delete Delete. Damn it; it doesn’t work.

For those of you who are out there trying that same method , let me save you some trouble. You can’t just get rid of the pieces of your life and heart that you don’t want. I’ve tried it.

So Again God, What To Do With These Pieces?

God responds to me in a gentle tone. I call this voice God because it just seems friendlier than my normal. Easier and more tenderhearted and approving of my missteps.

Well, you’ve always liked writing. Why not be vulnerable? Why not say what you feel? Why not let it out on some pages? There is relief and healing in expressing…

God Then Continues

You’ve always liked hearing inspirational stories. Why not create a few of your own?

You’ve always liked to talk around those you are most comfortable with. Why not write your heart out and let those who are comfortable with your essence find you?

You’ve always loved beautiful things. Why not create a space where you can observe beauty, the things that inspire you, and make you see the other side of the world? A space where people who feel just like you can go to take their mind off of their trouble, if only for a few moments a day. It will feel like eternity to them.

Don’t Try To Throw Yourself Away

You don’t have to throw your pieces away. They are the makeup of you.

They are what built your compassion. What helps you relate to what other people are going through.

Your struggles are what help you find solutions for those just like you who have felt lost.

But What If They Don’t Want My Pieces?

What if they don’t want to hear what I have to say? I am no expert or celebrity.

Just let your light shine anyway. No matter how small you “think” it is. Anyone can write words that people read. Maybe I am sharping your tools so that you can write words that people “actually hear”.

So Why So Many Tears God?

Tears water the soil.

Why Do I Feel So Sad Sometimes?

Sadness helps you feel joy after a while.

I Should Be Happy All The Time?

I am in a great position to express. Why don’t I feel that way all the time?

Because you want so bad to fit in, when all I want you to do is spread out.

You may never know whose watching. That one follower could know a lot of people. That one *like* could be the one that needs you or the one that you need.

God Finishes

Keep writing from your heart, and I will see to it that your broken pieces are mended. It may not always be in the way that you want it, but it’s always in the way that is needed.

{Love God}


I wrote this article to show you why I write down what I feel and why I share these stories with you. It is healing sometimes for me to put a story to something that has broken my heart or to my feelings. Hopefully by seeing these stories you can take something away from my experiences. It’s not easy living from the heart at first. You are naked and feel like an baby that’s in a big new world. This is me, taking the things that hurt me the most or that fulfilled me and recording them. I am shining a light on some of my pains and some of my successes.

I don’t claim to be a guru or anyone that could even help you with your problems, but what I do know is that many days in my life I was in a very dark place. There were many times when I wanted to throw myself away. Literally, I wanted to end it all. There is a part of me that doesn’t want me to go yet. Not holding on to all of this pain in my heart. So everyday God shows me new pieces.

Pieces of my own shattered heart. God shines a light on them, which helps me write about them. My writing might not mean anything to anyone else, but it means everything to me. It helps me breathe. It helps me feel like I have something to share with this world and it helps me {even if for only a few moments a day} make sense of the pieces that I sometimes want to throw away.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this.

finished-heart Nay

Any Stories? I Would Love To Hear From You!

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Dear Under-Appreciated Mom



{A Love Letter To All The Moms Who Feel Unappreciated}

I am coming to you from the hearts of your children and your husbands. From the hearts of those who don’t tell you how special you are. This letter is from the heart of them – to the heart of you. {Love Renee}


{From Your Child or Children}

Dear Under-Appreciated Mom,

I want to take this moment in time to say… 

You Are Appreciated

I know you get tired of cleaning and running and cooking all the time. I know that you worry all day long about our safety and security. I know even when you tuck us in the tightest, you still are thinking of ways to make life even more comfortable for us. 

I know that you long to keep us as babies forever. To see the joy in our eyes when you walk in the room. I am here to tell you mom, if you haven’t seen that joy – don’t take it personal. It’s not you. 

The world is difficult for us sometimes. You mom, are the only one that gives us hope sometimes. We are spoiled with your love. The truth is, we are looking for the world to comfort us like you do. To hold us like you do. To care for us like you do, and when the world doesn’t do that, we take it kind of hard.

I want to say…

I’m Sorry

{From Your Husband}

To my wife, who is stronger than anyone I know. I love you with all of my heart. You are a good mother even though I don’t say it all the time. You are not only a contributor to the household you are the rock on which our house was built. I see you look into our child’s eyes sometimes and I only wish you could look at me that way. I know, it’s selfish, but you don’t know how it feels to receive that kind of love from you. 

I ask you my wife, to be patient with me. Even when I don’t show my appreciation – I ask that you to remember this note. This note that was scripted from the heart of me and sent through a messenger. A messenger who wrote down the words I couldn’t say. A messenger who knew how I really felt regardless of what I tell you. When you feel under-appreciated, try to remember all the reasons you fell in love with me and our child/children. 

We don’t mean for you to feel under-appreciated. We sometimes don’t know how to give you the love, compliments, and praise that you are worth. You are big and we need you. So remember this letter if ever you shall forget. 


Your Family


Break Any Addiction


Living From The Heart Day 9

I like coffee; I really do, but some people cannot live without it.

Coffee is not my drug of choice.

Coca Cola Is What I Was Addicted To

There really is no difference between coffee and coke. You, the coffee drinker and I, the coca cola drinker have a bad habit. I know how it feels to reach for that substance that gives you the feeling that you want. It’s instant gratification, pure bliss, love in a can, or a coffee cup – in your case. Indulging is not a bad thing when done every once in a while, it’s when you can’t sleep without thinking about that thing, person, or substance that there’s a problem. It’s when you start giving that substance or person the power to make you happy that there’s a problem.

When coffee, drugs, soda, lovers, etc become an obsession, it’s probably about time to admit there is a problem.

Getting To The Heart Of Addiction

To put it plan and simple, when we are addicted to something, it’s not the substance that we are reaching for. It’s the feeling it gives us.

Think about the lover you know is no good for you, but you keep going back to him or her. Think about waking up at 7 am and reaching for the bottle of Whiskey that you left on the counter from the night before. Think about those 4 cups of coffee that you drink during the day. All these things have something in common. They are temporary fillers.

In order to nip addiction in the butt you have to ask yourself.

What feeling is this substance giving me, that I feel I cannot conjure within myself?

You are saying to yourself – I cannot conjure this feeling without this substance. The substance is just a symbol for a need that is not being met internally. People always say to look within. I must admit, that very phrase use to drive me mad. What the hell are you talking about… look inside? Do you know how many times I’ve closed my eyes and saw blackness. I didn’t find anything there damn it.

I’m being a little dramatic, but you get the point.

Looking Within

My interpretation of look inside means instead of reaching for someone or something to fulfill you from the external world, you have to find the qualities within yourself that make you feel valuable, powerful, satisfied, and alive. I use to reach for coca cola when I was stressed. It was something about popping that can open and feeling the instant relief from the fuzzy suds hitting my throat. I just love it. However, the underlying cause of me reaching for that substance was me wanting to feel relief.

Now why couldn’t I conjure up the feeling of relief without that soda? Maybe I was being too hard on myself and all I had to do was forgive a situation that I may have been going through. That would be conjuring the feeling of relief within. I wouldn’t have felt the tension and then I wouldn’t have had to reach for the substance to satisfy that temporary negativity.

Addiction could be in another form too – how about being addicted to holding onto the past. For some reason we find it so hard to forgive ourselves. We take it hard that someone has hurt us or left us. We, as in human beings, get hurt so easily. This hurt and pain give us the reasons to believe we are less desirable, unwanted, unfulfilled, stressed, and powerless. Those unwanted feelings then cause us to reach for something that we think we want instead of addressing the unmet need inside. Think about being overweight. We are using the weight to hold onto something from the past that hurt us. Why accept that weight as an excuse not to love yourself. That behavior stems from us holding onto something someone said or did to us. That too is an addiction. I am not saying that everyone who is overweight is refusing to let go of something, I am just saying that there are a lot of people who are.

I Am Here To Say – It’s Time To Let It Go

Whatever the addiction may be.


If you mess up. So what, try again. Don’t put too much thought into it. Understand what addiction is. Understand that you have the power within you to fulfill yourself by your internal thoughts, by conjuring feelings of worthiness and power, by seeing the good in yourself even when your “inner critic” calls you a little devil.

I am not saying not to indulge or get what you want. I am saying that it shouldn’t be an obsession, a distraction, or a temporary filler. There is a way to fulfill yourself without reaching for an external substance or circumstance. There is value inside of us to discover. There are parts of us that we don’t know about yet. There are pieces of our puzzle that have yet to be found. It’s such a bigger high to dig within and find internal value than to give credit to something that had very little to do with the equation at all. There is so much value within. We are more than we “think” we are. There is a way to fall so in love with yourself that you will never need a substance to make you “feel” a certain way again.

Everything is energy. Everything! The next time you reach for your drug of choice – be it soda, coffee, a lover, etc – ask yourself… Am I using this as an excuse not to look within?


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Finding Your Soul Mate


Living From The Heart Day 8

It’s much easier than you think. What if I told you that your soul mate is easy to find?

There is a love that stands the test of time. One that runs deeper than anything you’ve ever felt. A passion that is unmet. There is a love story that all other love stories fail in comparison to.

Let me explain this in the easiest way that I know how.

Your Soulmate = A Match To Your Soul

What if I told you, that’s what you were looking for? You are looking to match up with your soul.

In yesterday’s article |||The #1 Thing That’s Killing Your Joy|||, I spoke about the most important relationship in your life (the relationship between you and your higher self). If that relationship is not tended to properly, it shows in all areas of your life.

Sometimes there is a miscommunication about the meaning of God. There is a miscommunication about who God is (who’s this God character anyway), what HE is about (why is God only a he), and what he wants from you (wink, wink).

First, lets play around with a concept.

What If God Was A Dream?

Think About It

I mean an actual dream. Like the ones you have about what you want to be when you grow up. What if God was more than an image? What if God was a concept? An idea? A Vision? A Passion?

GOD is the dream. Much like a dream of becoming a writer, a dancer, or a musician.

From the moment you are born, you have an energy  that says, “You and I are one.” Along the road of life we get caught up in things and sometimes that connection dwindles. The energy then says, “We belong together.”

In essence your God energy is powerful, untamed, unfiltered, knowing, confident, sure, alive, joyful, indulgent, certain, skilled, and intuitive.

We, As In Human Beings, Are Looking To BE The Representation Of That Energy.


A lot of people think that they can form this connection by things outside of themselves. I must agree that I too, was looking for love in all of the wrong places. We look for love in our jobs, our cars, our significant other, our children, and many other things outside of ourselves.

The deepest connection can only be made by you familiarizing yourself with the idea of God, knowing that you are reaching for that highest expression, and then finding a way to honor that birthright. Your birthright is the right to embody & flow God. There are many different ways to honor that #1 relationship, but first you must know that your higher self is your soulmate and that you belong together.

People tend to see God – up high. While imagining they are – down low. We often tend to see God as an outside being or entity.

God is an energy, an idea, a dream that we aspire to.

Think of the trilogy – The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit.

  • The Father – Being The Dream or Aspiration
  • The Son – Being The Physical Representation Of That Energy – Dealing With Setbacks & Difficulties
  • The Holy Spirit – Being The Energy or State Of Being That Allows The Free Flow Of God

When we are in our flow (holy spirit), we are balanced. When we see God as separate from us, looking down on us, mocking and criticizing us, we get off balance. That view is a skewed view.

How about reimagining your image of God? How about seeing God as a knowing energy that just wants to flow through you to experience (in physical reality) what it knows? It knows itself to be love and wants to experience the love of its SELF.


We doubt ourSELF sometimes, get caught up in things that divert our attention from the main goal, and even get terrified when the dream seems too big for us to accomplish. This energy is powerful. It doesn’t doubt, it doesn’t worry, it doesn’t fear. It just is. So it could feel very overwhelming to have this BIG energy over you that you have to live up to. But soften it a bit and don’t think of it as something that you have to live up to. Think of it as something that you are, and all you are doing is allowing that energy to flow into your experience as often as possible.

The purpose of life is to experience that flow as often as possible. I started to say manage, but then (we humans) would make that into another job. Let’s be clear. This is not a job. This is WHO WE ARE. It’s the whole point of existence. Not a chore, not a task, not an obligation, but a joy. A joy to feel and know who and what we are.

The Best State Of Being To Allow This Energy

Well the first thing is realizing that you want to flow in this energy in the most harmonious way.

It’s not that difficult when you have a partner (your inner being) that will never leave you, is a lifelong partner, and your ideal mate.

My inner being led me to decode another dream today, and this is where I am receiving all of this information. I am so interested when I see the pieces of this puzzle come together. I never know what I am going to write entirely. Things start connecting and pieces start showing up, it’s just truly amazing. I love feeling this energy out, and getting use to it.

In my dream there was a boy that was watching me tear the house apart looking for my phone. The boy just sat there quietly playing a video game, undisturbed, nonjudgmental, and not worried, and kind of just observed me looking for my phone. That was an aspect of myself that was in its natural flow. That is how God is all of the time. God knows we aren’t in any real trouble. God is unharmed, not offended, and knowingly present. When I calmed down in the dream I found my phone. The dream had other trinkets and treasure, but in order to fit this all in, I will share a couple key points.

The most significant things that I learned from decoding my dream are:

  1. Nothing Is Ever Lost – It Only Evolves
  2. Everything Is Working In Our Favor

My aunt’s house was the first place that I ever got my heart broken. I had a bear that I carried around with me everywhere. This bear was no bigger than my hand is now. If I slept, it slept. If I ate, it ate. If I went to the bathroom, well you know the rest. I slept over my aunt’s house one weekend and left my bear on her bed. I never saw it again. I tried to get them to find it, but they insisted that it wasn’t there. I probably cried all night long.

Now, was that experience created to hurt me? Of course not, but my 6 year old mind could not fathom ever being without that bear. I’m pretty sure I probably wanted to die. This is how we often feel when we feel torn apart from our source energy. It breaks our heart. That experience happened so that I could realize two things this day…

  1. The bear was just a symbol for the connection between me and my inner being. It wasn’t the prime connection.
  2. Nothing can take that connection from you.

For me, that hidden layer of feeling lost or feeling like I had lost something, moved into other areas of my life. For the past few years I have been struggling with my passion and have been trying to reconnect to that flow. The struggling that I’m feeling is in connection with me feeling a loss from losing my job. It’s not that I actually even lost my job; I quit my job, but my mind still sees that event as a loss. It’s very difficult to move forward when you have the idea that you lost something, instead of the idea that you are going towards what you are meant to do.

Nothing is ever a loss. I realized that one day when I thought about my bear that I lost from childhood. I started seeing bow ties everywhere that day. My attention was drawn to them. After a while it hit me. I burst out in laughter because I realized that it was showing me my bear in many different ways. My bear had a bow tie that I use to always look at. It stood out to me that day so that I could realize the essence of that bear’s presence was still alive and well.

Winding Down

I know things get tough, but don’t forget to look for God in all things. Even in the situations where it seems the hardest and the darkest – God is there. If a relationship went, that means it was time to go. Not to break your heart, but to find you a better match to your soul. I am now able to let go of the idea that I am struggling because I quit my job. I am now able to let that go. You are a witness to this huge event because that idea has been eating me alive for a while. I now know that everything in life is there to move you in the direction of your greatest expression.

Find a way to honor your soul mate. The one will will never leave you, that one that will find you anywhere that you go, and the one who will turn this world upside down searching for a way to bring you home again if you get lost.

Your inner being wants you to be at peace with who you really are. Doubt, worry, fear, constant rejection of the ideas and yourself only rips you apart.

You have to know that the Self is fearless, accommodating, energetically aligned, balanced, stable, confident, gentle, open, and wise.

Grab a mirror, look your soul mate in the eyes and say:

{I Got You}

In Closing

All of this information came from decoding one dream. There is so much information packed into our center of knowledge that it is just unfathomable. I can’t even explain how much information is trying to come through. I will say however, I enjoy making sense of all of this complexity. I will continue to try and balance this new emerging energy, and will just take it one step at a time.

Thanks in advance for reading, commenting, sharing, and subscribing.

finished-heart Nay

The #1 Thing That’s Killing Your Joy

Wilted Joy

Living From The Heart DAY 7

I could have easily titled this article The #1 Thing That’s Detrimental To Your Health or The #1 Relationship That You Are Struggling With. No matter what the name, all arrows point towards one thing: Your Connection With Your Source/God energy.

I’ve learned through decoding one of my dreams the importance of this connection.

I will lay this out in a way that is easy for all to understand.

#1 Your inner-being/God energy knows you intimately & is waiting to connect with you on many different levels.

My inner-being simply chose my dreams because it knows that I love mysteries, it knows that I love puzzles and figuring things out, and it knows how happy I get when I see my own connection to this world.

#2 Your inner-being knows the niche (work, art, industry) that you fit best in.

My inner-being used my niece (yes my little niece) in the dream, as an example of the kind of relationship that it would like to have with me. It also showed me how to go about enhancing that relationship so that I could flow more passionately in my expression. I adore my niece. In my eyes there is nothing that she can do wrong. I love everything that she does. There is no way that I would ever look at her and see anything less than perfection.

That is how your inner-being feels about you at all times. It’s waiting to connect with you in a way that is enriching and fulfilling to you.

#3 The only way to connect with this is to welcome your gifts, intuitions, and knowing with open arms. The same way you would open up to those whom you adore.

Imagine you walking into a room and you see your favorite person. Your face always lights up. You rush towards them to give them a hug or a kiss. You, through those gestures, are showing that you adore that particular person. The same goes for accepting and embracing your inner being. Imagine another version of you happy to see you all the time. Always waiting there with open arms to greet you.

#4 The only reason suffering ever occurs is because you lose your connection to that pure energy.

We go through so many different things in life. Sometimes honestly we just lose the connection. We judge ourselves, we put others down, we don’t see the benefit of the doubt in a situation, and sometimes we don’t respond to our inner promptings with care. All of this is because when devastation hits we feel like we have failed in some way. Along with that feeling of failure comes the feeling of doubt. We stop trusting ourselves and we also stop trusting that we are making the right decisions in our life.

#5 In the dream my niece was pulling on her ear.

She was drawing my attention to listening. When I think of listening I automatically think of intuition. She wanted me to recognize that I wasn’t paying attention to my inner wisdom. Earrings symbolize accentuating your ability to hear your higher self. She wanted me to know to pay attention in the dream and to my dreams.

Do you know how many ideas are sitting just underneath the surface waiting for you to discover them.

Short Story

My niece recognized one day that we could communicate without words. She walked over to a lamp that was sitting on my nightstand and she rubbed her hands along the bottom part of the lamp. I said to her, “do you want me to turn that on?” She just looked at me and smiled so I turned on the lamp. She started clapping and smiling and she looked the happiest I had ever seen. As if she was saying, “FINALLY some understands that I can’t use words yet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t communicate.”

It was so funny and so cute. She understood that day that I could understand her in ways other than talking. She was pointing me back in the direction of my source. Funny that she would use the lamp to do such a thing. I knew her and I had a strong connection before she was even born. I use to talk to her. Even though she wasn’t here yet, I knew here energy was present. I believe she heard me, and that’s why we have such a strong connection even though she’s only almost 2. I read a quote today that falls in line with this…

“Important encounters are planned by souls long before the bodies see each other.” {Paulo Coelho}


# 6 The dream also pointed to some old patterns of thought that were disallowing my full connection to the flow.

One day when I was younger, I was at my aunt’s house. I made a mistake and put an opened jar of fruit cocktail in the fridge. My aunt came out yelling at me and asked me if I was trying to kill myself. I didn’t understand what she was talking about. She was furious that I hadn’t heard a word about not putting opened cans in the fridge. I felt kind of stupid even though I was really young. I shouldn’t have felt that way because – if someone never taught this – how do you know?

The same thing goes with understanding the most important relationship in your life. Some would beg to differ if you tell them that the most important relationship is between YOU and YOU. We are taught from a very young age to direct our love outwardly. By doing that and not understanding the primary relationship we hurt the relationship that means the most to us. I am in no way shape or form saying be stingy with your love, but we have to learn to love ourselves first.

#7 That experience taught me something long before I recognized its value.

It taught me how to be a better teacher. Decoding my dream today showed me my particular niche is helping others connect to their source energy. This is the most important relationship to build. I learned that people do not need to feel stupid and confused for “not knowing something”. My experience when I was younger at my aunt’s house mixed with the dream that I just had, opens up a space for me to shine light on this subject in a new way.

#8 The other false belief that it touched upon was the idea that {I’m Too Old To Learn}.

That very belief stunts your growth. Take this article for instance. I have been into my dreams for years trying different ways to connect the dots. It wasn’t until I put down the dream dictionaries and started trusting my own intuition that the pieces started coming together. It’s the same thing with your relationship to your source/inner-being. You can use other stuff as a reference, but it doesn’t make an impact unless you understand your primary relationship first. You have to trust your own gut, your own inner promptings, your own inner wisdom. That is what is meant when people say – search inside. It is an absolutely essential part of navigating through this life.

If that system fails – everything else does too.

Fail is too strong of a word, but I think you get the point. If your primary relationship (the one between you and your inner being) is not tended to, all else fails.

You are never too old to dream. If you have a calling in your heart there is a way to understand and connect with it, but you must build up your most important relationship first. Everything else will then fall into place.

I Am So Thrilled

I literally jumped up and down when I discovered this information. It’s not that this information hasn’t been around since the beginning of time. It has, but everyone does not connect to it in just one way. I am here to let my light shine, to uncover piece by piece the information that has been hidden. As it reveals itself, I can feel some of the layers peeling away.

I’ll leave you with this last story.

I know I’ve talked your ear off, but I love seeing the connections in this information.

I once had a dream of a huge Buddha like statue. Long before I knew the Buddha story. A helicopter was flying around spraying dusty gold paint over it. I couldn’t understand why, but the helicopter flew away for a bit. When it flew away, a piece of the statue cracked and the most powerful light started to shine through the crack. It was so bright that it blinded everyone that was standing around.

I feel like that person that has been covered up for a long time. Not knowing her true power or her true worth, but my inner promptings are stronger than any temporary setbacks that I may have faced & I am here to tell you… So are yours. Your inner promptings led you here.

It is no mistake.

I appreciate you reading this.

I hope to hear from you.

finished-heart Nay

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