Message From Ray (The Spirit Guides) – Embrace More Of Your True Self

We are most appreciative of the opportunity to speak with you at this time. We are here as lovers of life, beings of light, the do-gooders if you will.

We are here to show you that you have access to infinite resources.

There is no need for you to be stuck, feel unloved, unworthy, or unappreciated.

Because your higher self knows your true worth, your true nature, and your true beingness.

You deny it at times, but we are here to say, that it is time for you to access more of your true nature, more of your beingness, more of your true spirit without fear.

You see, a lot of you have rejected the self. You’ve been taught to believe that some of the traits that you have, are not worthy of being seen.

If you are a sensitive being, that part of you is not being shown because you have been taught to deny that part of yourself.

It’s not okay to cry. It’s not okay to show your emotion. It’s not okay to feel deeply. Toughen up – is what you’ve been told.

We are here to say, do not deny these very special parts of yourself dear.

Some of you have been told you are too loud, too boisterous, and/or too confident in yourself. So you close up, and don’t show those parts of yourself dear.

We are here to say, for those of you who have felt that confidence before, that knowing, and have been told to somehow repress that – you have been told the wrong information.

We are here to say, those qualities that come naturally to you are a part of your being. You cannot get rid of them. You cannot kill them off. They are a part of you for a reason.

If you are sensitive. You are meant to be sensitive. You are meant to understand and value the emotional background that you have. You are meant to understand the emotions in a beautiful way – so that you can learn how to get a handle on those emotions that may be out of balance.

Every trait that you have that comes naturally to you, is of value dear. So don’t deny yourself.

We are here to say, now is the time for you to embrace your fullness. Your confidence, your qualities, your gifts, your abilities. It is time for you to embrace them and stop apologizing for who you are.

The most important thing that we want you to know is that you have a right to be here. You have a right to create and to express. You have a right to voice your opinion about your life. You have a right to live. You have a right to be.

You were born for those specific purposes. So that you can contribute here, during this time, to this life dear.

Your preferences, your dreams, your concepts, and ideas – they all matter.

Sometimes we have to try to convince you that what you have inside matters. It matters to the world. It matters to those around you. It matters dear.

We see some of you holding back and closing your heart. Not sharing your true self because you are afraid that someone will not like you.

Maybe they won’t like what you say, they won’t understand you, but you are here to be true to your self dear.

Your soul is here to express itself through you. In any way. In any form. Your soul is love. Your soul is balanced. Your soul is compassionate. It’s alive, it’s breathing, it’s enjoying life, and that energy is here to express itself through you.

That is your soul’s greatest desire – to express itself through you. 

In other words, you are the being that it came here to be.

Your soul right now is aware of you, and your soul has depth, range, variety, and treasures for you to discover.

It is calling you towards more of yourself. It has things for you to feel, more for you to become, more for you to experience, and you shy away from your potential because of the beliefs that you hold onto. Because you may not yet be ready to step into your new life.

Only you have the power to say, “I’m ready”.

You are freer than you think you are.

We are here to convince you of your worthiness, but it is ultimately up to you to pull back the layers of shame, guilt, and lies that you’ve been told about yourself so that you can see your true beingness and radiate that.

All we can do is stand in your light and radiate to you what you are – strongly. Hoping that you will get a glimpse of how precious, valuable, and good you are.

We are here to say, we love to meet with you.

We are here, as we said, as beings of light. It is our expectation that everyone on the planet will experience there true selves.

Once you get a whiff of what you are, what you’re made of, and what creator you come from – you will never want to go back to a life of lies, of degradation, and of feeling unworthy because you will know who and what you truly are.

We are willing to point you in the direction of it, but you must accept it for yourself dear. You must know that you too, are beings of light, love, and of compassion. You are here to share your soul, your depth, your range, your variety, your artistry with this world – unapologetically.

That is our message that we have for you today dear, blessing be to you – dear one.


Message translated by Renee

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

It’s so true that we need to embrace more of our true selves. Sometimes we let so many things block us from embracing that confidence, love, and vibrance, but like Ray says, it’s up to you to say I’m ready!

Try it today. Take little steps towards being more confident, showing yourself self-love, and appreciating your total nature, and all the beautiful traits that you have that come along with it.


I promise you, if you have ever doubted yourself, felt unworthy, or unappreciated – working with my guides will help you get right back into the flow of love, worthiness, and adoration for the self and the life that you came here to live.

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