The Negativity Received For Being A Stay At Home Mom


Man, being a mother is one of the hardest jobs on the planet.

You would think that people would support the idea of you working from home and tending to your child, but the truth is – they don’t.

Some tend to think that just because you “stay home” – you have an “easy life”.

That is furthest from the truth.

I feel myself having to defend my position of being a stay at home mom and wanting to work from home, and I can’t understand why it’s such a big deal to other people.

I mean, you really can’t understand why I am not rushing out the door to go work for another company when all I see are angry posts all up and down my Facebook feed about how people hate their jobs?

The traditional route, for some people is okay, but for me, I need more freedom than that.

I mean a steady paycheck is nice, but I’d honestly rather take my chances with doing something I love (running my Soul Guidance business and writing), rather than following someone else’s plan for my life.

Although I am putting my time and effort into my new business and raising my son, people still look at me and wonder when I am going to get a real job.

People tend to form a cruel opinion about people who “stay at home” or that don’t go out to work the “traditional route” to support themselves.

I’ve even received angry words from my own sister about my chosen path, and I must admit that it hurts. It hurts because instead of her realizing that I am trying to follow my own creative path, she thinks that I am being irresponsible by not working a regular job.

To some people it’s all about the money.

They work and work and work – spend all day in someone else’s dream and barely have any time to spend with their family. Yes they make money and put food on the table, but you can’t see that you’re eating your meals at 11 pm, in a comatose state, barely able to enjoy those moments because you are thinking about the next day when you have to wake up and do it all again.

I can’t live like that – I want, desire, and am moving in the direction of a different way. I am sorry if that seems lazy to you, or irresponsible, or not worthy of gaining your approval.

I have a 10 month old son – a rambunctious, hardheaded, love him to death, but gets into everything – son. That is work enough in itself! That is two full time jobs! I love him to death, but those of you who have sons will understand where I am coming from – he is a handful.

On top of that, I offer my time and resources providing Inner Work Sessions to those who are looking for guidance in their life and on their chosen path as well. If that is not enough for some people, than I don’t know what to do for you. I don’t know what to say either.

I realize one thing though.

I shouldn’t have to defend this position. I shouldn’t have to explain to people why I chose a different route. Those who truly know me and understand where I am coming from will support me, and those who don’t – won’t, and I have to learn to be okay with that.

I don’t want someone else dictating what time I can go to the bathroom, when I can take my breaks, or how much time I can take off – to take care of myself. I need a different set-up than that. So I chose to let that route go, and follow my heart into something else that I believe works better with the vision I have for my life.

When you start to follow your dreams, some people do anything they can to bring you down or to try to snap you back into reality (the reality that they want you to live in). The reason they do this is because if you have the courage to follow your dreams – they no longer have an excuse not to follow theirs.

I know what I want for my life, I know who I am, and I give myself full permission to follow the path that I believe will work for me.

I hope you give yourself full permission to do the same.

Thanks for reading!

Renee B.

Intuitive Guide & Inner Work Specialist

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Does My Higher Self Help With Housework?

Housework Help


There is no way (in your mind) that your higher – more evolved self, would be caught dead holding a broom, wearing an apron, or on its hands and knees scrubbing the floor.

If you think that your higher self, your guides, and your angels are only reserved for so called “spiritual matters” – think again.

The purpose of you having a soul, a higher self, guides, etc is so that you can learn to live your life with grace and ease. The happier you are in your life – the more you can give to others and the more your light will shine.

You think that cleaning the dishes, washing the clothes, and cooking meals are mundane tasks that drain your life, and keep you away from the things you would really like to do. That is not true. Your home is the place where you create, where you feel safe, and where you are able to express, and be yourself. Chores like making meals and tending to the upkeep of the house are very much a part of your creative life. You just haven’t been use to seeing it that way.


Because your higher self has seen all the work that you do. It sees that you get weary sometimes, and that you ask for help. It sees that you get tired, and that you feel unappreciated sometimes.

Your husband or wife may be the breadwinner, and you may not see your value because you feel you are doing nothing all day. But tending to the house, raising your children, and nurturing yourself are valuable as well. You just need to start seeing it that way. You are no less important than the one who goes out and earns his or her living through a 9 to 5 job. It takes more than money to run a household.

Your house would be in complete disarray if it weren’t for your organizational skills, your nurturing, and your abilities.


Although chores can be a drag sometimes, I have come up with a list of things that could make your life a little easier when it comes to the “housework” area. You being open to these solutions will open new pathways for you to enjoy the seemingly mundane tasks of your life.

Opening to these solutions will allow these processes to run smoother so that you will have more time to do what you love as well. Opening to these solutions will help you see that you aren’t meant to just be burdened by housework. It is a part of your responsibility, but it doesn’t have to be a drag. Opening to these solutions will spark your creative nature when it comes to this area, and you will find yourself finding more and more solutions to ease this part of your life.


Click the link below to read, print, or download the free pdf.

PDFTips For Making Housework Easier PDF


The purpose of this post is to help you create better experiences while doing your housework. Your mind remembers experiences. Practicing these easier ways to nurture your household creates a pathway for it to be more enjoyable. When you enjoy what you do, it runs smoother and gets done quicker. That way, you will have more time to do more of the things you really love to do.

I hope the tips help.

If you have some household tips to share for the stay at home moms and dads out there – be sure to share your wisdom in the comments section. If any of the tips in the article helped you – be sure to let us know by posting your experience in the comments section.

Let’s make life easier so that you can give more of your true self (a lighter, happier, more confident you) to the world!

Remember your guides are here to help you with every aspect of your life. If you need help working through anything in your life you can take the step to get the help you need here. Nothing is too small or too large for your higher self.

Thanks for reading!

heart Nay

P.S. Enter to win the Steep Your Soul Spa Gift Basket (it’s filled with goodies from Bath & Body Works). Contest entries end on March 3rd, and the winner will be announced on the blog on March 4th.

Explore more chore hacks here.

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